Biggest Lesson in Love

“Charity begins at home…”

Why then can’t Love begin at home?The source of it,in one’s heart is the key to Joy, Bliss and Happiness because no one is responsible for making another person happy when that person fails to give that to themselves! How do you expect to love another person when you don’t love yourself?You learn Love by loving yourself!

A glass that is half full or half empty cannot fill an empty glass. Only a full glass can fill an empty glass. You’ve got to be full of yourself so that when you fill another person,you still have enough of yourself leftover to fill yourself too.


You’ve got to love yourself first. Be OK on your own before you can be ok with somebody else. Value yourself and know your worth because you are worth EVERYTHING! Do NOT ever settle for less…if you settle for less then you are demeaning yourself! You should never belittle yourself! If you believe in yourself,then other people will believe in what you believe about yourself!

Until you value yourself enough and love yourself enough to know that,you can’t really have a completely healthy and fulfilling relationship! If you are scared or broken,heal and mend before venturing into new chapters… Because how else is a wound supposed to heal if its open?Salt will be poured on it with every mistake or challenge you go through…Close a chapter before going onto a new one!

We always talk of “falling in love”… Why do we have to Fall in love? When you fall,you risk breaking a leg or arm by crash landing! Who wants to deliberately hurt themselves by Falling? Definitely not me! When you love yourself first and value yourself,you don’t Fall! You don’t risk with yourself… You stand on two feet,with your eyes wide open and…Walk…

Walk in love…

I have nothing to say, and I am saying it…That is Poetry!

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